Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ghana: Sponsorship Trouble

The Ghana Football Association is having an issue finding a sponsor after the expiration of the contract with Globacom. According to the article, Globacom signed a contract with the GFA in 2008 to invest three million every year into the Premier League for five years. In return the competition would be know as the Glo Premier League. The GFA President has made trips to Nigeria to hold crisis talks with Glo over the issues. Glo failed to follow the payment plan agreed upon by GFA. Their was a compromise agreement where GFA would accept a 30 percent discount on the payments. The GFA spokesperson, Ibrahim Sannie Daara has asked companies to invest and guaranteed more exposure from the Premier League. The GFA has failed on their end to give Glo what they needed that would equal up to the annual three million investment. Glo would like to renew their contract with GFA but there would be reduced terms. The GFA needs to work on their marketing because it’s affecting other companies getting involved with them.  In Ghana they don’t hold pre-match conferences. They believe that Saturdays were designated for funerals so games are only played on Sundays. Radio stations try to contact the coaches in effort to get updates but they are reluctant to speak to them. The reason behind this is that they fear the opponent may work “black magic” on the line up of players. If Ghana were to make some changes it would help a great deal when it comes to sponsorship and marketing. In my opinion they are limiting themselves. It seems like some of their traditions and beliefs are an issue. I wonder what they plan to do about it because they still have a business to run. I plan to follow this situation to see the outcome.

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