Sunday, March 3, 2013

Leaders Inspiring Action

I just finished watching a video by Simon Sinek from He talked about how great leaders inspire action. He believed in a simple method called The Golden Circle. Sinek's speech helped me get a better understanding of the topic.He broke down how business basically sell their product and used Apple as an example. Apple is regular computer company but what makes them stand out? Sinek figured out that when it comes to the Golden Circle, Jobs started from the inside circle which represents "why" and worked his way out. I found it to be inspiring and informative. Sinek made it clear that this wasn't just his opinion but how the brain work as well.I found him to be inspiring because in my opinion he was thinking outside the box and that is what is needed to start a business. His speeches was clear and to the point. I didn't find nothing confusing about it. I would listen to more of his speeches as resourceful information that i could possibly use in the future. Sinek says,"People buy why you do it". In other words he saying that more people will buy your product because of why you are doing it,not what your selling. People are more interested in your belief or passion for doing something. That is what will attract customers.

Mr. Simon Sinek is a confident and enthusiastic speaker. His speech had me intrigued. Sinek was able to get his point across without losing anyone's attention. I found him to be very knowledgeable. The goal is not to sell to people who need what you have. But to sell to people who believe what you believe. He used good examples of Langley, Wright Brothers, and Martin Luther King. If you talk about what you believe,you will attract those who believe what you believe.

Link to video:

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