Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Important is the RIAA?

The RIAA also known as Recording Industry Association of America is a trade organization. They support and promote the creative and financial vitality of major labels. members create, manufacture and/or distribute about 85% of all recorded music and sold in the U.S. The RIAA works to protect the intellectual property and First Amendment Rights of labels and artists. They also conduct consumer, industry and technical research. This association stays on top of regulations and policies. RIAA are the ones that certifies albums gold, platinum and multi-platinum.

RIAA has some technical standards that I believe are good and are definitely in the best interest of the artist.To name a couple would be watermark payload specification and Global Release Identifier. They also have this service called SDMI which stands for Secure Digital Music Initiative. One of the things this service do it enables copyright protection on artists' work. I believe that this organization could affect the industry in a positive way. They try their best on their end to uphold their mission for labels and artists. Now they been dealing with piracy for a long time but slowly they are putting it to an end. Nothing happens over night but they are finding ways to shut down these file sharing websites. In my case I'd like to create a company where I'm dealing with artists so I'm all for what they are doing. There's always room for ideas to make things even better. Its important to have this association in our corner as far as the music industry is concerned because they protect our rights and creativity.If they weren't around we would have a worse problem with piracy. Not only that but people in the industry be able to get away with anything. The music industry wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for the RIAA so I'm one out of millions that is grateful for what they do.

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