Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Big Brainstorm: Work In Process

Recently, I was having lunch with my cousin. We talked about several things but the main focus was what I wanted to do after my Full Sail education and what common interests we may have. She majored in Communications and she currently manages a few music artists. Like I've mentioned before, I'm into Marketing. As a long term goal I would like to own my own business or go into business with my cousin. I consider it a long term goal because nothing happens overnight. I think building my experience as a Marketing Director would be very essential to owning a business in the music industry. Everyone in some aspect has an interest in the Entertainment business whether its music, movies or games. It takes someone special to run a successful business. I thought since I'm good at Marketing and my cousin has experience in artist management, we could start an artist management company. She thought it was good idea. Not only that but once we get the company started and had some time in maybe we can start representing athletes too. Sports is my second love. I would like our company to eventually expand to the point where we can eventually add a record label to it. Some may think its impossible but you never know until you work hard at it and try. The fact that I'll be working along with my cousin, I feel like its a slight advantage because she has a little experience in the industry. I want to be a business owner in the industry that lasts for a long time to where I can pass it down to my children.I plan to build good relationships with people, be fair, ethical and original.There's always room to learn as I go because no owner knows everything going in.

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