Sunday, October 27, 2013

Incorporating My Research On Experts Into My Business Plan

I intend to incorporate what I’ve learned from my own research on the experts profiled in the previous posting by keeping their philosophies on business and success in mind. Dr. Gedeon said in a video,” I teach my students about personal success first and business success second.” It’s important to be happy with yourself before starting a business. Mr. Gedeon also says,” Entrepreneurship is like playing the guitar.” You have to just do it. I would incorporate his advice about starting a business because I found it meaningful. Mr. Chuck Blakeman uses his experience to help business owners create success. I would seek business advice from his group, The Crankset Group about my business plan before presenting it to an investor. Not only that I learned from both experts that failure is okay and its part of success. I didn’t make any changes to my business plan based on the information by these experts but I do find the research insightful. I’m going to continue my research on these two experts and follow them as start my journey after Full Sail University. As I present my business plan to potential investors I will keep in mind that “I have to be curious about the world and have a passion for what I want to do”, says Dr. Gedeon.

A business plan should be well organized and proofread before it’s given to a potential investor. The most important sections of my business plan to the investor that is reading my plan would be the financial section and the executive summary. The executive summary is the first opportunity to gain the investor’s interest. The investor wants to know about the company that he/she may invest in. The finances are important because the investor will want to know how they are getting their money back. 


Business Plan: Examples and Best Practices of Business Plan Writing. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Business Plan Executive Summary | (n.d.). Retrieved from (2011, March 24). Entrepreneur Interview: Chuck Blakeman of The Crankset Group : Business Info Guide: Small Business, Internet Marketing, Entrepreneur Interviews & Resources. Retrieved from

Chuck Blakeman / Live well by doing good. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Crankset Group – Make your own business rules. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Steve Gedeon | LinkedIn. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Steven Gedeon | Entrepreneurship is like learning to play the guitar (till your fingers bleed) [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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