Sunday, July 14, 2013

"I Want My Name Back Now !!"

Jeremy Lin is a well-known basketball player for the New York Knicks. He’s having an issue trademarking his name in China. A company called Wuxi Risheng Sports Utility Co. has already beaten him to the punch by trademarking his Chinese and English name. This company manufactures basketballs, volleyballs and soccer balls. After reading a few articles on the matter Jeremy Lin will end up spending millions just to get the trademark from this company. In China when it comes to trade marking, its first come first serve as opposed to the USA you have show actual use or intention. This can really affect Lin because it can stop him from making money with major companies that want to promote products associate with him as a popular player in the NBA. I think that Jeremy would do what he needs to do in order to help his career. The situation is realistically fair because the company trademarked first but on the other hand it is Lin’s name and he has more of a need to trademark it. This company Wuxi Risheng is willing to sell but they will definitely use it to their advantage. Not only that but Lin is working with Nike and Risheng manufactures some of the same products so this is a very difficult situation. Its like this company is making money off Lin’s name and he can’t do much about it. Jeremy would have to go over and beyond just to gain the trademark. It would be worth it in the end even though it would be a hassle. The question is how bad does he want it? Or is he willing to “take one for the team”?

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