Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Never Knew But I'll Consider It

During the past few years while working on completing my bachelor's degree I narrowed down what I wanted to do. I've noticed that I was good at marketing. As another career option, I would like to become a NFL agent. I came across an article about a former agent on how things go in that situation. He spoke about the highs and the lows as far as trying to be successful in that field. He expressed what he went through at the time and how he learned from his experience. He explained the difference in being an agent and being on the team side. He gave a breakdown of whats going on in the NFL as far as agents working and what the process is. After reading his article, it gave me a realistic view from in my eyes an "expert". His opinion is based off experience. I still would like to be a agent but now I have to consider more things that I didn't know before. My major obstacle is having to invest in the player before he gets his money once he's signed. I don't mind competition but in this particular situation  I would need to seriously weigh the pros and cons. I'm not the type to let things hinder me but financially I would need to be in a comfortable place where I can build my clients, get my name out there, and cover whatever expense needed. The bad part is no matter how much you invest in a player,you can still end up losing them to someone else. This article along has placed a little doubt in my mind about becoming a NFL agent but  I'm still going to go for it  and learn my own lessons. That is really all I can do but Mr. Brandt gave me more to think about.

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