Sunday, April 14, 2013

How A CEO Handles Business

I interviewed a rising CEO named Ulyssia Seawell. She has started her own company called Organeyez'd Grind Entertainment. It's an artist management company. Ms. Seawell is a graduate from North Carolina A&T State University. She always had a passion for the entertainment field. She currently manages a few artists in different locations. She plans for her company to flourish into something big, successful and she doesn't plan on stopping there. This is only the beginning for her. I decided to interview her on how she goes about negotiation when it comes to working out issues for her company.Here are some questions I asked and her responses:

1- How do you handle positional bargaining tactics?Do you try to understand the other party's interests?

" I keep in mind the main points of what I want the outcome to be and try to persuade the other party to believe it is beneficial to them as well. Yes, I do try to understand the other party's interests, but I do not let that detour me from my goal.", Ulyssia S. 

2- Have you ever negotiated with another party and couldn't come to an agreement? Or despite the difference in positioning, was there a mutual gain? 

"Yes, I have been in a situation with another party and we could not come to an agreement. The situation was when one of my artist wanted to release an album, and did not have the proper timing for it to be released. It tried to negotiate with him to wait so that we could have good promotion and other factors in place before the release. The problem was he had already done his own promotion promising a release date. We could not come to a mutual agreement. In the end he ended releasing the album anyway. The mutual gain in this situation was knowledge. I learned that he had lack of knowledge on the process of releasing an album and he learned the process in which to do so.", Ulyssia S.

3-A BATNA is a best alternative to a negotiated agreement.Do you have one when dealing with another party in a negotiation?

" Yes I do have one when dealing with another party in a negotiation. I always think ahead, and think of different scenarios that could be the outcome of the negotiation. Once I have the scenarios in place I think of how it could effect the goal I'm trying to attain, and what steps I should take if the outcome has a negative affect on that goal.", Ulyssia S.

4-What would you do if a negotiation isn't going your way? Do you use any kinds of tricks to tame a hard bargainer? 

"I listen carefully to everything the bargainer is saying and I try to sway them back in the direction of my goal. I make them feel as though I am understanding their position but at the same time I know in my mind I am not moving from my position. I often use a questioning method to help guide them back in the direction I want to go. During that method I ask questions that will help them see the subject from my point of view but its never a situation where they are being pressured or tricked.", Ulyssia S.

5- Sometimes its hard to just deal with the problem without dealing with the people and what they bring to the situation. How do you separate the people from the problem when your negotiating?

" I have to look at the people and their different personalities as a distraction from reaching my goal. I can not let the distraction hinder me from reaching the goal. So therefore I have to overlook dealing with them in order to handle business and negotiate properly.", Ulyssia S.